Meetings and Seminars Organizations

In 2012, Daniele Madureira and I are organizing a meeting on computational aspects of neuroscience and psychology. I'm also part of the organizing committee of the 5th LNCC Meeting on Computational Modelling.

In 2009, I was kindly invited to join the scientific committee of the XXXII Congresso Nacional de Matemática Aplicada e Computacional (CNMAC), the main conference of the Sociedade Brasileira de Matemática Aplicada e Computacional (SBMAC). During this meeting, Sandra Malta and I organized the minisimposium Novos Caminhos em Análise Numérica, where recent graduates doing research in numerical analysis had the opportunity to present their work. For the 2010 and 2012 meetings, I'm the main editor of the proceedings of this conference, taking care of more that 500 submissions per meeting.

In 2006, I Co-organized the workshop Métodos de Galerkin Descontínuos e Métodos de Elementos Finitos Multiescalas - Teoria e Aplicações, in Florianópoplis, UFSC, Brazil. In 2005, I Co-organized the PreCILAMCE Workshop: Stabilized and Multiscate Finite Element Methods, held at the LNCC.

In August 2004, LNCC held the 1st LNCC Meeting on Computational Modelling, and I was part of the scientific and organizing committee. During this meeting, Frédéric Valentin and I organized a minisymposium on Multiscale Modeling.

I was part of the organizing committee for the 2003 Summer School that took place at LNCC. During this event, I organized a workshop in numerical analysis for PDEs , held at LNCC in February 2003.

I've been involved with the organization of several seminars at LNCC. For a short while, I organized a biweekly seminar named Encontros em Equações Diferenciais e EDPs . With Frédéric Valentin   and Jaime Rivera , I organized a bimonthly meeting named Jornada de Matemática Aplicada e Computacional ( JMAC ). On May 7 and 8 of 2001, at LNCC,  we had a special JMAC meeting, named " Topics in Turbulence ", when we put  together some of the Brazilian experts in the field.

Again with Frédéric Valentin, I organized the weekly's seminars at LNCC from 1999 until 2002. I was also responsable for the seminar's homepage of LNCC up to 2002.