Livros eletrônicos, de diversos editores, na plataforma da EBSCOHost:
BENSOUSSAN, A., LIONS, J.-L, PAPANICOLAOU, G. Asymptotic analysis for periodic structures.
Bensoussan, Alain, Lions, J.-L, Papanicolaou, George. North-Holland, 1978.
ELLOUMI, M., ZOMAYA, A. Y. Biological knowledge discovery handbook : preprocessing, mining and postprocessing of biological data.
Wiley, 2013.
MUDELSEE, M. Climate time series analysis.
Springer, 2010.
BARTLE, R. G. The elements of integration and lebesgue measure.
John Wiley & Sons, 2011.
MCCANN, K. S.Food Webs.
Princeton University Press, 2012.
COHEN, S., ISTAS, J. Fractional fields and applications.
Springer, 2013.
MENKE, W. Geophysical data analysis: discrete inverse theory. MATLAB edition.
Elsevier/Academic Press, 2012.
ARDITI, R., GINZBURG, L. R. How species interact : altering the standard view on trophic ecology.
Oxford University Press. 2012.
SCHULLER, B. W. Intelligent Audio Analysis.
3 ed. Amsterdam : Elsevier. 2006.
BERLYAND, L., NOVIKOV, A.; KOLPAKOV, A. G. Introduction to the network approximation method for materials modeling.
Cambridge University Press. 2013.
ELKADI, M., MOURRAIN, B. Introduction a La Resolution Des Systemes Polynomiaux.
Springer. 2007.
LADYZHENSKAYA, O. A. Linear and quasilinear elliptic equations.
Academic Press, 1968
MURPHY, K. P. Machine learning: a probabilistic perspective.
MIT Press. 2012.
FRANKLIN, J., MILLER, J. A. Mapping species distributions: spatial inference and prediction.
Cambridge University Press. 2009.
RAJARAMAN, A., ULLMAN, J. D. Mining of massive datasets.
Cambridge University Press. 2012.
GAETAN, C., GUYON, X. Modelisation et statistique spatiales.
Cambridge University Press. 2012.
HANJALIC, K.,LAUNDER, B. E. Modelling turbulence in engineering and the environment.
Cambridge University Press. 2011.
SPORNS, OLAF. Networks of the Brain.
MIT Press. 2011.
ABLOWITZ, M.J. Nonlinear dispersive waves: asymptotic analysis and solitons.
Cambridge University Press. 2011.
BRANDIMARTE, P. Numerical methods in finance and economics: a matlab-based introduction.
2. Ed. Wiley, 2006.
PHAM, H. Optimisation et controle stochastique appliques a la finance.
Springer. 2007.
MOREAU, L., GROTH, P. Provenance: an introduction to PROV.
Morgan & Claypool Publishers. 2013.
ZOBACK, M.D. Reservoir geomechanics.
Cambridge University Press. 2007.
LANGFORD, J., BILENKO, M., BEKKERMAN, R. Scaling up machine learning: parallel and distributed approaches.
Cambridge University Press. 2011.
CRISAN, D. Stochastic Analysis.
Springer. 2011.
MCCOOL, M. D., ROBISON, A., REINDERS, J. Structured parallel programming.
Elsevier/Morgan Kaufmann. 2012.
BLAUERT, J. The Technology of Binaural Listening.
Springer. 2013.
CAI, X., SHA, D., WONG, C. K. Time-varying network optimization.
Springer. 2007.
DAGER, R., ZUAZUA, E. Wave Propagation, Observation and Control in 1-d Flexible Multi-structures.
Springer. 2006.