############################################################################# # # FILE readme.txt of the Invar package - Installation Instructions # # Language: Maple 10. # # Description: The Invar tensor package is a fast manipulator of generic # scalar polynomial expressions formed from the Riemann tensor of a # four-dimensional metric-compatible connection. The package can maximally # simplify any polynomial containing tensor products of up to seven # Riemann tensors within seconds. It has been implemented both in # Mathematica and Maple algebraic systems. This the Maple implementation. # # Developers: Renato Portugal and Leon R. U. Manssur # Laboratorio Nacional de Computacao Cientifica (LNCC) # # Web page: http://www.lncc.br/~portugal/Invar.html # # Contact and bug report: Portugal at Lncc.Br # # Mathematica version at http://metric.iem.csic.es/Martin-Garcia/xAct/Invar # ############################################################################# # # COPYRIGHT NOTICE # # The Invar package has all rights reserved to the developers. The package # and documentation are provided as is, without guarantee of support or # maintenance. We are not liable for any damages resulting in any way from # Their use. # # Everyone is granted permission to copy, modify and redistribute the # package and documentation, provided that, (1) all copies contain this # notice in the main program file and in the documentation, (2) no charge # is made for this software or works derived from it. # ############################################################################# INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS The Invar package is distributed free of charge. The authors kindly ask that researchers who have used the package cite references describing it. To download the current version of the Invar package, please use the following address: http://www.lncc.br/~portugal/Invar.html Installation instructions: 1. Download the file Invar.zip into your machine. It contains the following files: compiled code and help (invar.mla), external help file (invar.mws), source code (invar.mpl), test file (test.mpl), database (invar1.mpl,invar2.mpl,invar3.mpl,invardual1.mpl, invardual2.mpl,invardual3.mpl,invar4.mpl) paper describing the package (invar.pdf), this file (readme.txt). 2. Unzip the file Invar.zip (with unzip or pkzip). 3. Save the code and the help files in a directory. Let's say C:\Invar. 4. Start a Maple session. Issue the command: libname := `C:/Invar`, libname; or libname := `C:\\Invar`, libname; The next command is: with(Invar); The output is something like: [AbsorbMetric, Canonical, InvToPerm, InvToRiemann,...] NOTE: In Windows one can use the forward slash ("/") or a double back slashes ("\\") in directory names. You can use the package now. For help try ?Canonical or ?Invar ... If anything goes wrong, give the command restart before trying again. Example: > libname:= `C:/Invar`, libname: > with(Invar); [AbsorbMetric, Canonical, InvToPerm, InvToRiemann, MaxDualIndex, MaxIndex, PermToInv, PermToRiemann, RicciToRiemann, RiemannSimplify, RiemannToInv, RiemannToPerm, RiemannToRicci, RiemannToWeyl, TensorDefine, TensorPrint, TensorUnPrint, WeylToRiemann] Try some help command: > ?Invar or > TensorPrint(T[a,-b]); a T b test: > read(`C:/Invar/test.mpl`); ---> if everything is ok, only "ok" will be printed Hint: One can avoid to setup every time the variable libname by putting this information in the maple initialization file (see ?maple and ?libname). For unix users: the initialization file is called .mapleinit and stays in the home directory. One should edit it and add the line: libname := `C:/Invar`, libname: